Fear-mongering Letter From Yavneh Academy

My OpEd that was censored by the local media in Bergen County now has over 18,000 views since I published it less than 48 hours ago. The feedback I have received has been overwhelmingly positive. As I suspected, the "silent majority" is in fact the overwhelming majority. We can and will put pressure on our leadership to change course and follow the actual science instead of caving to those who want us ruled by fear. Thank you to all those who have commented, given feedback and spread the word.

In the interim, I will use this newly created platform to publicize those who continue to needlessly instill fear in our community and particularly within our precious children. I would much prefer not to do so and sincerely hope that this is my last post. But it is critical that we dissuade others from following in the path of fear-mongering.

Without further ado, here is the letter that one of our local Yeshiva Day Schools sent out last night followed by my line by line commentary on it. I give the Head of School the benefit of the doubt as he is a very smart man, a good person and a friend. The voices of the "mob" are loud and hard to ignore.


Dear Parents,

We approach Chag HaSukkot with profound feelings of gratitude. We are exceedingly grateful to have been able to offer this opportunity to provide your children, our wonderful Yavneh students, with in person instruction for the first month of the year.

We are deeply appreciative to all those who made this reality possible, and to the vast majority of our school population who remain steadfast in adhering to our community’s standards as articulated in the joint school letter of last week. (CLICK HERE)

I'm not linking to the letter here. All schools sent this out at the beginning of the school year and I'm not addressing anything that has happened in the past

At the same time, we understand and share the concern that many have voiced regarding the uptick in positive cases in our local community. We are all aware that some schools in surrounding areas have been required to close.

The Yavneh community (the students, their families, and our teachers) is counting on us to remain safe and to remain open. We are fervently committed to providing in school instruction in a safe and responsible fashion as has been evidenced by the many health and safety protocols put in place in our building. 

They are referring to the many many "safeguards upon safeguards upon safeguards" that they have put in place that will do nothing to stop the spread of the virus but makes them feel good and allows them to say to parents that they are doing everything they can to keep the kids safe.

In consultation with our executive board and medical committee, we communicate with you the following important reminders and expectations.

Who is this medical committee? What are their qualifications? Have they any first-hand experience with Covid? Are they at least experts in the transmission of infectious diseases? Are there mental health professionals on this committee?

1)    Family Pledge: In order to maintain the ability to attend in school learning, we expect our families to review the family pledge (CLICK HERE) that each family took before the school year began and to follow the community guidelines at all times.

2)    Sukkot Break Guidelines: Over the Sukkot break we ask that you adhere to the following safety requirements:

a)    We expect our families to maintain social distancing of 6 feet with non household members at all times.

What right do they have to demand this? This is not required outside by law in New Jersey. 

b)    We expect children to wear a mask during all social interactions, including outdoor playdates and while walking with non household members.

Again, are we in George Orwell's 1984? Are you kidding me? My kids need to wear masks for OUTDOOR playdates???

c)    Wearing a mask is crucial to prevent spread of illness. Per NJDOH even with masks on, and even outdoors, if two children or adults are within 6 feet of one another for 10 minutes or more and one tests positive for COVID, the other will have to be quarantined. In order to keep everyone in school, it is important to avoid this situation.

The CDC is clear that when it comes to quarantining, masks are an irrelevant consideration. Whether masks are useful in preventing the spread is a highly debated issue. Most credible studies show that only surgical types like N95s when fitted properly are effective. The masks most people are wearing do little if anything, particularly outdoors. But hey, form over substance!

The threat about keeping everyone in school is entirely self-inflicted. It is NOT something the DOH decides. It is Yavneh that would force the kids to stay home.

d)    We expect you will not go into other homes unnecessarily.

By what right do they make that demand? We are truly living in a nanny state.

e)    If one must enter someone's home (i.e. to use the restroom etc.) both hosts and guests should wear masks at all times indoors.

Maybe they should require cameras to be installed in every home to verify this? Maybe we can get a fear mongering Rabbi to write a heter for operating them on Shabbos for this purpose?

f)      We expect your children will not have sleepovers with other students.

And we the people expect you to get your noses out of our business!

g)    Other Sleepover guests

                    i)         Hosting overnight guests is strongly discouraged and should be limited to situations of great importance.

Telling us what we can and can't do in our homes is strongly discouraged. Please keep to educating our children which is what your expertise is in.

                            ii)         If a family must have overnight guests, mask wearing by both the hosts and guests and social distancing between the hosts and guests must be maintained in order to mitigate the risk of viral transmission.

You must have forgotten to define for us what "great importance" is - this will become crucial for when the witch hunt trials start for the disciplinary action you cite later on.

h)    We expect you to refrain from large gatherings, including outdoor events.

By what right do you demand this?  I've seen some of the signatories of this letter at large gatherings outdoors. In fact, would Minyan not fall under this header?  

i)      Any joint meal must be outdoors and include social distancing of 6 feet or more, especially while eating.

I'm running out of things to say. See above...

j)      A four-walled Sukkah is considered “indoors” from a COVID-19 disease transmission perspective. Please consult your local rabbi to determine how to best construct your Sukkah if you need to host others.

Funny - halacha doesn't differentiate between a 3 and 4 walled sukkah. Hmmmmmmm....

k)    Anyone under quarantine, even precautionary, may not leave the home, may not get together with friends, and the family may not host social gatherings, even outdoors.

What happened to letting doctors decide this? What if there's something of 'great importance'? Will the signatories be available for emergency appeals? 

l)      These guidelines apply for all school community members, even those who have developed antibodies.

Sure, why not. Surprised they don't also apply to household pets.

m)  We expect the same standards outlined above will apply to any and all Sukkot related activities.

G-d forbid our kids should have ANY simchas Yom Tov! We wouldn't want that! Let's make sure we create as oppressive an environment as possible for everyone!

We truly wish we could anticipate every possible scenario and provide specific guidance. The reality is that is simply not possible. We are appealing to people to use good judgment and apply the standards carefully and consistently.

Yes, we truly wish we could think up every crazy hare-brained thing that comes to our mind to restrict you guys with. Unfortunately, our imagination can only take us so far. So if you come across a situation where you can eliminate more joy from your life, please know that we are standing right there behind you rooting you on!

3)    Unique Circumstances: Our guidelines will remain in place to protect the safety of our community and to enable school to remain open. We understand that there may be circumstances throughout the year, either short term or long term, that make it difficult or impossible to adhere to the guidelines we've set forth. If you have a question about how to manage an upcoming situation (chag, simcha, family need or work obligation etc.) please reach out to us in advance to discuss. We can then work together to thoughtfully address the needs of your family while maintaining the integrity of the communal effort to prioritize safety.

4)    Failure to Comply: The ultimate responsibility to ensure adherence for children in elementary and middle school rests with the parents. Our ability to remain open and provide in person instruction rests primarily in the hands of our families and is dependent upon your actions and behavior.  Unfortunately, the impact for non compliance will be the children’s inability to benefit from live in-school instruction. Disregarding guidelines may result in disciplinary action, up to and including, school suspensions, additional days of required remote learning for your child, or permanent dismissal from school. We all bear the communal responsibility to keep school open. As you know, for health reasons, we require vaccinations as a condition of in-person education at Yavneh. So too, adhering to these safety guidelines is part of your obligation as a member of the Yavneh community. The actions you and your family take over Sukkot can directly impact our entire school community. We implore you to consider the needs of the entire community when making individual decisions.

There you have it folks - license for community mesirah and continued social media shaming. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. This is what we have resorted to. Out of misplaced fear, we are encouraging others to tattle on people and threatening parents with draconian measures should they deviate one iota from these intrusive rules. 

 Please continue to closely monitor yourselves and your families in the time away from school and report any symptoms, testing results or illnesses to the nurses at nurse@yavnehacademy.org.

A parent would have to be insane (or just beaten into submission) to trust these guys with anything. I certainly wouldn't report a thing.

 Finally, as stated, it is our intention to continue to provide in school instruction upon return from Sukkot. We are adjusting the calendar for Monday, October 12th - we will not be having in-school instruction that day. We will use that day to conduct careful contact tracing if needed after the chag, assess the overall status of our community, and provide further professional development to our faculty in the area of distance learning. We will be providing remote learning for students that day on a modified schedule with the expectation that we will fully return to in school instruction on Tuesday, October 13th.

We will work really hard on isru chag to see what further restrictions we can put in place and how we can further scare you and/or your children. Rest assured, we'll find a way!

We thank you in advance for your continued partnership. Wishing everyone a relaxing, enjoyable and uplifting chag.

Boy is that last sentence out of sync with the rest of it, but nice to at least end on a positive note.


Rabbi Jonathan Knapp

Head of School

Joel Kirschner

Executive Director

Adam Fried

President, Board of Directors

Amy Buchsbayew

Chair, Covid Strategic Task Force


  1. I'm just going to correct the least offensive and erroneous thing you wrote so the rest can be seen in comparison to that:

    non-physician, heal thyself.

    1. Corrected. Thank you. And the readers can judge for themselves. You are confusing expertise with wisdom.

    2. and you are confusing appeals to emotion with reasoned argument. Maybe we should just take our cue from Lakewood (https://www.njspotlight.com/2020/10/lakewood-nj-coronavirus-cases-spike-highlights-state-contact-tracing-limitations/) and Monsey (https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/rockland/2020/09/28/coronavirus-cases-new-york-highest-two-rockland-county-zip-codes/3565014001/) because they have it all figured out.

  2. Looking back to the days following Purim, a Jewish community, lacking the clinical and epidemiological expertise to truly appreciate the extent of the threat due to Covid, took a more conservative approach than what was legally required. This was not done from a position of unique knowledge, but rather from a difference in the Jewish valuation of life. The RCBC felt that mitigating the risk of loss of life was so important within Jewish values, that they would take a, at that point potentially unnecessary, step of being more conservative than required, and limiting central aspects of our Jewish life for the sake of safek saccanah. It is against this backdrop that your blog posts sit.

    It was never the role of community leaders to decide that they are experts in evaluating epidemiology. You have neither the expertise, nor the right. And, what's more, you're simply wrong. Prior to this pandemic, how many medical journals articles have you read? How many statistical analyses have you evaluated? How many life and death decisions have you presided over? You simply have no qualification to reach any conclusions about the mechanisms and prevalence of transmission among children. Perhaps this is why you misunderstand the role of children as spreaders of coronavirus. Perhaps this is why you fail to discuss the most expansive study to date on the topic out of India that discredits your conclusions.

    This is all very depressing. You have been an outspoken leader in the area of affordable Jewish education. Your background as innovator and finance expert gave you strong qualifications in this area. And you have had an impressive record of accomplishment. It would be an enormous shame if these accomplishments, and in particular Yeshivat He'Atid, were to be tarnished by these posts.

    1. Back around Purim, we didn't know what we are dealing with. I fully supported being cuatious back then and applauded our leadership for doing so. Today we know a lot more. I have consulted with many medical doctors, including ones who treated and saved many Covid patients back in March/April and they fully support everything I wrote.

      You can cite all the studies you want, the facts are that there has not been one documented case of a student spreading Covid to a teacher in school anywhere in the world. There is some risk of children spreading to adults at home. Nowhere am I advocating for suspending our common sense. Of course the elderly and other compromised individuals should take proper precautions.

      But leaders are tasked with Evaluating ALL of the available evidence. I have spoken with numerous psychologists and psychiatrists who say that child anxiety and depression is off the charts due to the fear we have created. My inbox is flooded with dozens of emails from parents crying about the disastrous impacts this quarantining is having on their kids.

      Yes, sometimes it's specifically the non-experts who can take a step back and see the entire picture; who can bring some rationalitty to the discussion. I don't pretend to have all the answers. My goal in writing my original piece was to bring some balance to the discussion. My continuing goal will be to speak on behalf of the children who have no voice here and are suffering greatly from our irrational fear.

    2. Do you see yourself as a long wolf, expressing an opinion no one else has? The leader of the free world has shared your sentiment. The Gadol Hador of Ultraorthodox Judaism shared your sentiment. I don't know if your opinion represents the minority or the majority, but this opinion has hardly been silent. And, as such, you could express your support for their views; and you could do so without slandering other organizations in the process with your tone. This aside, let me address the substance of your comments.

      You claim that there is not a single documented case of a student spreading to a teacher. How do you know this? Have any of the contact tracing results been released? The articles of the Israeli teacher that died following the reopening of schools certainly alleged that she knew the student who infected her (and forgave her). It's not a "documented case" that you know of since most countries keep these records confidential. The fact of the matter is that, if you accept that kids can be superspreaders, and if you accept that kids can spread it to parents, I don't understand why you would believe that they can't spread it to teachers. To suggest that they can't is irresponsible.

      Finally, there is some serious attribution error happening here. Yes, children and adults worldwide are suffering from extreme levels of anxiety ... because there is a global pandemic the likes of which hasn't been seen in a century. And even if you want to believe it is of limited danger to children themselves (and while this is true with respect to mortality, it is less true with respect to morbidity), certainly the wellbeing of children is contingent on the wellbeing of their caretakers. Growing up in the United States has given us a baseline sense of security that has neither existed in most places nor in most times. Disrupting that sense is tragic, but it is the reality of our times. This tragedy and this shock is fueling cognitive dissonance; we can't accept the reality of our times, so we seek to repaint reality to our imagination. But let me redirect your imagination for a second.

      Look to our Jewish homeland, Israel. The country that was a beacon for responsible handling of the virus early on, succumbed to the same level of cognitive dissonance you espouse here. They opened their schools and returned to communal Jewish life, convinced that the costs of restriction were too high to bear relative to a relatively minor loss of life they had theretofore experienced. The result - they have risen to an even higher per capita incidence than in the US, and the loss of life will be horrific. The resulting psychological toll on young people and old people will be enormous - and pretending things were safe will have done nothing to mitigate that.

      Do you want to know what your true role is as community leader? It isn't to look for ways to deny the reality of our times. It isn't to berate others for taking precautions. It is to imagine what Jewish education will look like if we're forced to live with this virus, not for months, but for years. It's to imagine what Jewish education will look like if it is no longer a given that the vast majority of Modern and Centrist Orthodox parents send their kids to Jewish day schools. It's to develop and roll out sustainable models so that the important aspects of our way of life can persist, even if some of the environmental variables we have heretofore experienced do not. I believe you are uniquely qualified in this role - and implore you to focus your efforts in this endeavor.

  3. Absolutely agree with you! Great responses. Please keep up your great work! All the ppl went crazy out of their minds and need to wake up.

  4. Klal Yisroel is destroying our religion and our poor children for absolutely NO reason. You all need to calm down and stop watching the media and listening to rabbis and doctors who don’t know anything but just follow like little puppies what the government and media says. You are all brainwashed. Congratulations, for wearing your “yellow star” on your nose and mouth. If you keep doing it, you will end up like in the Holocaust.
    WAKE UP before it’s too late!!!

    1. Once you encourage people to stop following rabbis you undercut the exact definition of what klal yisroel is. Halacha says that, in many situations, we follow doctors. You say otherwise. Halacha says that we should actively guard our bodies. Nothing in what I have seen any rabbi or doctor recommend have I seen anyone else asking me to disregard halacha, so I'll stick with their informed opinions over your rant.

  5. Hi, I am a college-aged student in the community and thought this needed to be said from a child’s perspective: Why can’t we enjoy the time we have with our families and comply with what the schools are asking? Why is it not good enough that we are teaching our children the importance of protecting people and being part of a community? Are we putting selfishness at the forefront of our mind, or do we want to teach our children the importance of togetherness? A community is supposed to be there for each other, not put lives in danger. I think we are losing the point here. Be thankful to Hashem that they’re in school right now. Many children all around the country aren’t in school, and your children are! Children are suffering, yes, but don’t you do think they will suffer when schools and shuls are shut again due to another outbreak? What will happen when more grandparents end up dying and more adults end up in the hospital? Will you and your children be happy with their decision then? All this article shows is complete hatred and disrespect for people around you. Have you explored the anxiety of those children who are nervous to contract the disease and pass it on to their vulnerable grandparents? This isn’t the end of the COVID19 Virus, and that means our job isn’t over. We need to protect our communities, our families and those close to us. Don’t you want to be part of that movement instead?

    1. First of all, I don't believe for a second that you are a child. Second let's assume that you are, none of these precautions will mean your grandparents will die. That is exactly the point Gershon is trying to make. Your head is been messed with by the fear that's been implanted in it. You have anxiety you never should have had due to adults telling you that you're going to kill Grandma when it's just not true. And lastly, Covid is here to stay. So get used to it. It's not going away.

    2. Thank you for your response. Because this is so personal, I would suggest you not upset the people in our community by saying this. I know many people who passed away due to COVID. My own grandmother was hospitalized due to complications with COVID. I am in cholim group chats who haven't quieted since March, due to the influx of names being diagnosed and hospitalized with COVID. It’s time to look at our actions, and meticulously look over if we are doing the greater good for the community. It is time for some serious Cheshbon Hanefesh. And yes, I am a child, or young adult, whatever you like to call it. I've been in school for the past 19 years, and I am very appreciative to my teachers and Rabbeim for teaching me what I know and how to value the importance of a community. Thank you to the schools for putting these guidelines out. You are 100% right.

  6. If you don't like it, start your own school.

    1. I'm sure that at his school, students need not wear masks or distance from each other and there is no concern because no one will spread anything to anyone. I hope to read the letter the school sends out endorsing the position that they have no medical advisory board and their principal is just making the decision to let children have their fun because we all have nothing to worry about.

    2. This is a red herring. I have not once advocated for not wearing masks in school nor for abolishing social distancing in schools not for ignoring any other mandate required by the state.

    3. Oh, excellent! And your school would never sign on to any letter sent out that puts expectations on its students and families outside of school, right? And your school has no medical advisor, right? I mean, really, I have no idea but I trust in the consistency of your position. Your school doesn't subscribe to RCBC (or any other governing religious body's) decisions because the principal does all the thinking, right? And your school only follows the literal and exact state guidelines and nothing more, right? I mean, you are on the board and were a major force, so they must respect and echo your position on this because you are clearly so well informed, so why would they do otherwise? I mean, if your school doesn't follow exactly what you lay out, then who would?

    4. New policy: I’m no longer responding to anonymous comments. If you have something to say that you want a response to, have the guts to put your real name to it.

  7. The dissenting majority has no desire to fight with you, because it is clear you will not care to listen to reason or actual science. Enjoy your echo chamber.

  8. "without much further ado"??? Ado??? WTH?? I definitely will not take these words of the uneducated seriously.

  9. The emes always come out at the end! We just have to daven to Hashem that He reveals the emes and removes the sheker.

  10. Gershon. Your obsession with this issue is now fully revealed as a slavish hewing to the most irresponsible anti scientific viewpoints, which, with the infection of The President and Rav Kanievsky, have been found to be truly dangerous. Were there a mechanism for such a thing, you should be considered to have a din of Rodeph, because you are actively encouraging people to put their health at risk. I pray hashem protects you from your own folly, but visits down his most severe judgement of anyone who takes your advice comes to any harm.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 1. Lakewood did the experiment you are proposing and they have 27% positivity as of yesterday. I personally know a hospitalized parent and many other cholim.
    2. No one said you have to sign the contract. Don't sign and do distance learning.

  13. Gershon,

    Your post was abhorent. Virtually every point that you objected to in this letter was stated in a letter dated September 15 and signed by all of the local Yeshiva day school principals. Yavneh's most recent letter is simply a reiteration of these items. Moreover, R' Knapp and Yavneh acted responsibly in reminding the community of the position our schools have taken. Imagine how much more children and parents will suffer if an uptick forces our schools to close (a decision that will not be left to us (the government will undoubtedly have a say) not to mention the potential chilul Hashem we might cause. Unfortunately, I don't have time now to address the other issues with your post - both tone and content - but I wanted to at least clarify this point.

    1. I also don’t have time before Yom Tov to respond but since you did put your real name to your comment, I will respond after Yom Tov. חג שמח to all!

    2. Sorry Robert. Your facts are incorrect. There were schools that were pressured to sign that letter. Many now regret doing so. They see how much damage these crazy restrictions are having in our children. You think it’s a Coincidence that not one other school sent out such an insane letter?

      I’m not interested in talking about sins of the past. But if any school or shul continues to spread unwarranted fear that will hurt our children, I will continue to call them out on it. I pray that I don’t have to do it again.

    3. Gershon,

      I was hoping that you would come to your senses over Shabbos and Yom Tov. Sadly, I was wrong. You dismiss my facts as incorrect, as if doing so makes them so. You don’t even say what it is that I said that was not true or what the truth is.

      Moreover, no one was forced to sign any letters they didn’t want and I doubt that you saying that’s the case will lead anyone to believe it to be: The heads of school are all on the same page and are trying to keep our schools open. Other heads of schools sent out similar reminders to the letter from the 15th pre Yom Tov.

      I wish you would explain to us how you are going to prevent an uptick in Covid cases among school children (which will inevitably happen if other parents follow your protocols) from closing down schools and harming children and parents significantly more than whatever they are dealing with now.

      I also wonder what how schools intend to deal with students and parents who flagrantly violate school regulations and have the audacity to publicize their disobedience.

    4. Time will tell which of us is right Robert. No sense in continuing to go back and forth on this and this will be the last response from me on this topic. I had many people associated with schools thank me over Yom Tov for writing this. I can assure everyone that change is on the horizon. Many (but unfortunately not yet all) schools realize how harmful these policies are and are adjusting them. Maybe not as far as many people like me would like but enough to get the feel off of the necks of our children.

    5. Gershon,

      We didn’t go back and forth on anything, you ignored everyone of my queries. That said I too have no interest in continuing this dialogue. I simply wish like many others you would take your post/ comments/ vile unproductive attack down entirely. It accomplishes no good particularly for you and your allies.
      Very disturbingly, you assume that you are more plugged in to what’s going on in our schools and community than I am (or anyone and everyone else for that matter). I am confident that things won’t change in the direction you’d like (and that our respected heads of school, rabbanim and lay leaders won’t allow things to go where you would like them to) woe to all of us if things do.

    6. On the contrary, Robert Erlich, its done a world of good already. Its shown that most of the "argument" of the maskers consists of attempts to shout down or shame their opponents. It's shown that huge numbers in our community, and in many cities and towns the outright majority, don't agree with the extreme approaches taken by schools and shuls taken to placate the loud minority. You don't like the "tone"? Nu, that's the same thing anyone being challenged says, when he cant refute the actual substance. If anything Gershon Distenfeld's post was overly deferential.

    7. Gershon was way too respectful in his OpEd given how our community leaders have messed this up. This one had the perfect tone. Vile letter from Yavneh. Appropriate fisking.

  14. It’s really gross that you would disparage and spread misinformation about Yavneh. Why you would assume the medical team has no experience with epidemiology and specifically COVID is beyond my understanding. Since you are on the board of a school, I can only assume you’re basing your assumption on the medical team at your school. I wonder how they feel about your words

    1. I didn’t assume anything. I asked questions. Where’s the transparency?

  15. This virus is here to stay. We need to learn to live with it. People should be taking vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, ginger and other things to keep their immune systems strong. If someone does get the virus, there are medicines that can be given (hydroxy, zinc and azithromycin for example).

    Any study that shows hydroxy does not work belongs in one of three categories:
    1. zinc was not given with it
    2. lethal doses of hydroxy were given
    3. it was given too late in the course of the disease
    https://c19study.com (WORLD-WIDE STUDIES)

    Three doctors wrote a letter to Dr. Fauci about the hydroxy protocol:

    INTERVIEW with Dr. Simone Gold (one of the doctors who came to Washington, DC frontline doctors summit) : https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lcy5OGrdIIHQ/

    Other doctors who have used the protocol:

    *Dr. Lisa Koche https://www.bitchute.com/video/mQeF6z95ZSJP/

    *Dr. George Fareed https://www.bitchute.com/video/4fQhB5AXM2gu/?fbclid=IwAR0ixMAG0wMBssmOfqE-YeONE7svv7WYyen5aGlH_aj9Cu4r0OzqgZBhaYk
    *Dr. Anthony Cardillo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVs_EWVCVPc

    *Dr. Zev Zelenko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz4Nc967ZVo

    * Dr. Harvey Risch https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/hydroxychloroquine-works-in-high-risk-patients-and-saying-otherwise-is-dangerous?fbclid=IwAR0_3En_pzMssSTRxpxvTk9is6o_i6oorGT9ejDBZWkrVeq2lSOshZ7MT-0

  16. Please watch this from the 1:16:08 mark. A doctor from Berlin explains what he feels is going on.

  17. Any point you make is canceled out by the disrespectful nature in which this was done.

  18. Keep telling yourself that. Almost everyone I have talked to was disgusted by the Yavneh letter and think that Gershon went too easy on them.

  19. Gershon, you stated that you will not allow anonymous posts. Who is Emes and why is he/she cluttering your post with the standard regimen of internet minority opinion propaganda?

    You state that you are "confident that things will change". This confidence is the hallmark of failed messiahs. Take it down a notch. No one knows. But more importantly, this is a pandemic. No matter which way you slice it, it's not going to be fun.
    Wishing us all strength and clarity

  20. Gershon, you stated that you will not allow anonymous posts. Who is Emes and why is he/she cluttering your post with the standard regimen of internet minority opinion propaganda?

    You state that you are "confident that things will change". This confidence is the hallmark of failed messiahs. Take it down a notch. No one knows. But more importantly, this is a pandemic. No matter which way you slice it, it's not going to be fun.
    Wishing us all strength and clarity

    1. I said that I would not REPLY to anonymous comments, not that I wouldn’t allow them.


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